What is Tomi’s Cup?

Tomi’s Cup is the go-to badminton competition currently set in Budapest, where 32 teams and individuals bring their best to an energetic, knockout-style tournament every season of the year. With fast-paced matches, a fun crowd, and plenty of excitement, it’s more than just about winning—it’s about showing your skills, meeting new friends, and enjoying the game.

The Winter season of Tomi’s Cup sets at around December of 2024. This is the first planned season and the first appearance of Tomi’s Cup. Anyone with skill in badminton can sign up and enjoy the match. The grand prize is a flight ticket voucher for vacations with second and third winner receiving mystery prizes. 32 Teams are to be signed up. The top 8 will be reconised and put in the hall of fame on this website as “The top player in badminton of the season in Budapest”. Photos and interviews for the top eight player will be conducted and it will be a lot of fun.

Why the wait? Spread the news and sign up to Tomi’s Cup today down below!

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